Lambda operator or Lambda Function is used to create functions without name.
Syntax: lambda arguments :expression
Example:IN:sum = lambda x, y : x + y #lambda expression with x,y as arguments, x+y expression
IN:sum(3,4) #sum function here x=3 and y=4
OUT: 7
The expression (x+y) is evaluated and returned
The above is similar to
IN:def sum(x,y): #defining a function sum which takes x and y as arguments
return x+y
In Python normal functions are defined using "def" keyword where as anonymous functions are defined using "lambda" keyword.
Important :
1.Lambda functions can have any number of arguments but only one expression.2.lambda creates a function and return itself.
3.lambda can be used inside list,dictionary etc.....
Why Use Lambda Functions?
1.Is used when we require nameless function.2.When we need to pass functions to other function.
3.lambda is useful when developing GUI .
They are mainly used along with :